kirinandvlindertje: j4ckwynand: crpl-pnk: planouteverythingitwentwrong: kipplekipple: darkling…










you ever realize how able bodied people just are not expected to do things that cause them excruciating physical pain? like they’re just. not

if i shouldn’t use my cane because i can sometimes technically walk without it, it would just hurt like a motherfucker then abled people should no longer be allowed to use potholders to take things out of the oven because i mean

well they could technically pick up a hot pan with their bare hands. it would just hurt like a motherfucker

*sees an abled person using potholders*

i just think it’s really sad that you’re giving up on yourself like that

if you use potholders how will you ever build up the calluses necessary to pick up scalding hot metal without burning yourself so severely? it’s like you’re not even trying to get better

I mean, my mother uses potholders, but she’s in her 70s. You’re just… too YOUNG to be resorting to potholders at your age.

If you start using potholders, your inability to hold hot metal will only get worse.

As a professional cook I was, and still am, able to pick most stuff up out of an oven without a pot holder. I might get blisters and maybe it will hurt, but usually it won’t

AMAZING! based on this one specific individual’s experiences i will now safely assume that it’s possible for anyone to overcome hand pain & leave potholders behind for good!!! as long as you want it bad enough, anything is possible!! make this story go viral so that all those self pitying losers who still use potholders know that there’s no excuse


This made me cry. I can’t even imagine what it must be like to be potholder-bound like that, and it must have taken such incredible strength to overcome it. If someone like that can hold hot metal, the rest of us have no excuse to give up on anything.

Always reblog.

you know what kind of pisses me off about those potholders though? Like the other day I saw some in the store and like there were the normal gray ones, but like they also had with like strawberry patterns and like muffin paterns on them. And of course those with the paterns were more expensive and I think I finally get why potholder-users are always so strapped for cash, that’s because they want those fancy ones. Like, I think they should be a lot more responsible and just forgo those fancy ones. Either that or stop complaining about how hard the economy is on them. Just saying.

from Tumblr

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